Ladd’s Addition resident Miranda LaFrentz was notably not out here getting loose on Tuesday.Read More
As America continues to adjust to a new socially distant normal, Dr. Anthony Fauci has provided steady guidance in largely uncharted territory. During a Monday morning press conference at the National Institute of Allergy and Read More
St. John’s resident Horatio Oliver got goosebumps when he heard the latch on the front door click. His girlfriend Charlotte was off for a mid-afternoon walk, and he had a precious half-hour alone.Read More
“But I’m not getting my hair wet,” stipulated all 328 million Americans.Read More
“I’m all for social distancing,” said 31-year-old Pearl District resident Danielle Mays, who studied abroad in Marseille, France for a semester nearly eleven years ago. “I just think maintaining six feet is dumb.”Read More
Couples living under the same roof are now spending more time together than ever before, and with that comes an unforeseen battle against monotony.Read More
Strickland welcomed the weekend and said that he couldn’t wait for some calm, unadulterated fun and recreation.Read More
Thunderwick was barely off her front porch when she screeched to a halt. “SOCIAL DISTANCING WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!” she screamed, dropping to her knees and looking towards the heavens.Read More
“You see, you have to support the ankles, because they’re not fully developed yet,” asserted 30-year-old bachelor Bobby Costa, eyes wide with the uncertainty of someone who has never held a baby before.Read More
31-year-old nurse Ally Wolff hadn’t smoked cannabis since college, but biking past Southeast Portland’s Serra dispensary on Friday evening sparked a little nugget of curiosity in her.Read More