The Next Bitcoin? Experts Are All In On Fred Meyer Fuel Points

 The Next Bitcoin? Experts Are All In On Fred Meyer Fuel Points

The world of cryptocurrency can be confusing and divisive. Prices are constantly fluctuating, new coins are emerging virtually every day, and ordinary people can quickly fall prey to any number of scams and schemes. Many enthusiasts gamble on new coins, buying while prices are low in the hopes that the value eventually skyrockets. Others take a more pragmatic approach, wary of flashes in the pan and more drawn to established currencies. Regardless of risk tolerance, traders everywhere are flocking in droves to what many are calling the next Bitcoin: Fred Meyer Fuel Points.⁣

If the last decade has taught us anything about crypto, it’s that there’s no such thing as a sure thing. Yet many are convinced that Fred Meyer Fuel Points is the exception. “I’m all in,” proclaimed local I.T. technician and self-described ‘crypto bro’ Tyson McEnroe. “If you’ve used Ethereum, you know you have to use gas to pay for transactions. This miracle coin literally PAYS for gas with transactions. It’s next level.“⁣

Other experts pointed to FMFP’s real life use cases. “At their in-person crypto-grocery, or ‘cryptocery’ stores, you can use their digital currency towards goods like bread, milk, eggs, even engagement rings,” explained Marta Gutierrez, Senior Fellow at the Center for Cryptoconsumer Research. “This is a real game changer for those who believe cryptocurrencies are only used to purchase drugs and weapons.“⁣

When no one asked his thoughts on the matter, Zupan’s CEO Mike Zupan provided his thoughts on the matter: “Zupan’s will not be implementing any form of crypto in our stores. Our customers are happy using traditional stores of value like gold bars, precious gems, and fur coats as their primary method of payment, and we see no reason to kowtow to this new disruptive digital currency scheme.” ⁣

As of press time, Elon Musk is in talks to buy Fred Meyer parent company Kroger for $37 billion, after tweeting “FredCoin to the moon – HODL!!!”