Mom Texts You Reminder That She Left Voicemail

 Mom Texts You Reminder That She Left Voicemail

Phone records revealed the following transcript from a voicemail your mother left at 10:21 AM Thursday morning: “Hey hon, it’s your mom. It’s about 10:15. Or is it 10:20? Sorry, my clock is running really fast and I can’t figure out how to change it. Anyhoo, I just wanted to call and see if you made a decision on that LL Bean sweater I got you for Christmas. The length is perfect but it looked a little short in the arms and their stuff always shrinks in the wash, so I’m a little worried about it being too small. Should I order you a Medium as well? I’m going to just go ahead and order you a Medium as well. You’ll still have enough time to return whichever you don’t like. Anyways, I hope you’re getting enough exercise and are taking regular stretch breaks at work. You were slouching so much over the holidays! It worries me. Okay, any – hang on, what’s that Harold? – okay, your dad says that you should take your car in for an inspection before we get too much snow. I know this time was a false alarm but you can never be too careful. Alright, well I’m heading to New Seasons. I’m making a winter stew that New York Times Cooking recommended. I might get some CBD Gummies too! Cheryl recommended them. I feel so scandalous buying them, but I guess it’s legal, right? Okay hon, have a great day. I’ll text now just to make sure you get this. It’s about 10:25. This is mom. Love you.⁣