Bring Your Vaccination Card To Portland Gear And Receive A Free Hat!

On Monday, Oregon opened vaccination appointments to all residents age 16 and above. Businesses around the state have been doing their part to entice Oregonians to take the jab.
Portland Gear, the city’s titan of arts, culture and drip, is jumping in on the trend. Beginning this week, the beloved fashion emporium is giving out their iconic ‘P Cap’ for free to anyone who brings in official proof of vaccination. The timeless hat cleverly features a cutout of the state of Oregon set in the middle of a felt ‘P’ that ingeniously stands for Portland. Now, it also stands for “protected.”
When asked if supply would be an issue, Portland Gear head of millennial relations Stuart Landen was confident. “We estimate that around 98% of transplants living in town already have a ‘P Cap’. The remaining 2%, plus a few hundred people who will probably drive in from places like Vancouver and Wilsonville to take advantage of this promotion should just about cover it. Portland natives don’t want the hats. We know this because whenever they receive them as gifts, they return them to our stores. The only other people who go crazy for our apparel, middle schoolers, are not at this time eligible for the vaccine. By the way, did you hear we’re on tiktok now?“