“Go Back To Your Shithole Country,” Says Irate Trump To Native American Protestors

The United States of America celebrated its 224th birthday on Saturday, and President Trump celebrated it by holding a rally at Mount Rushmore. It was predictably chock full controversy and polarization.
En route to the rally, during which the president claimed that the far-left is engaging in “a merciless campaign to wipe out our history,” the road was blocked by protesters exercising their first amendment rights.
The president showed little interest in using the opportunity to consider the voices of those who opposed his presence. Had he heeded and considered their words, he might have had second thoughts about holding a rally on stolen land. Perhaps he would have gone as far as to condemn the fact that four presidents’ faces (all of whom committed atrocities to Indigenous people during their tenures) had been etched into this stolen land by a known Klan member. Instead, President Trump opted to stay the course.
This course has, over the past three and a half years, entailed such measures as approving pipelines across tribal lands, reducing the protections of Bears Ears National Monument, and now gallivanting into South Dakota to deliver a self-serving, vitriolic rant that commemorates a nation with a storied tradition of genocide that predates its birth.
Once the protesters had been sufficiently tear gassed and arrested, the presidential procession continued on. As his motorcade zoomed by, protestors reporting seeing the leader of the free world lean out of the window, yell “go back to your shithole country!” and extend two extremely small middle fingers.