Shane Co. To Remain Open Weekdays ‘Til 8, Saturdays And Sundays ‘Til 5

Governor Kate Brown is preparing to issue a statewide stay-at-home order, a decision that comes on the heels of reports over the weekend that hoards of Oregonians ignored basic directions and swarmed outdoor recreation destinations around the state. Once Brown’s order goes into effect, non-essential businesses must shutter their doors, and residents are barred from most public settings. Tom Shane, founder and CEO of Shane Co., insists that his company falls under the category of ‘essential businesses’, and thus will remain open weekdays ’til 8, Saturdays and Sundays ’til 5.
“Shane Co. is absolutely essential in these uncertain times,” insisted Shane via Zoom video chat. “Millions suddenly find themselves in close proximity with their significant others nearly 24 hours a day. An engagement ring is the perfect way to ask them, ‘will you be my quarentine?’ Besides, we could all use a friend now more than ever, and if Shane Co. were to close, millions of Oregonians would be left utterly friendless in the diamond business.“