Good Hair Day Threatens To End Social Distancing

 Good Hair Day Threatens To End Social Distancing

Alberta resident Abby Thunderwick awoke abruptly this morning to the sound of Waste Management gathering her compost bin. She gave a big stretch and yawned as she sauntered to her bathroom. When she glanced at herself in the mirror, she let out a shriek. “Oh! Oh my God. Oh, sweet heavens to Betsy!” The sight she was met with was truly something to behold. ⁣

Her normally frizzy and color damaged hair was perfect. It was strong, healthy, shiny, delicious and silky. It looked so effing amazing that she immediately threw on pants and her cutest blouse – button-up of course, so as not to disturb her masterpiece. She gave her luscious locks a single ????? and was out the door to share it with the world. ⁣

Thunderwick was barely off her front porch when she screeched to a halt. “SOCIAL DISTANCING WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!” she screamed, dropping to her knees and looking towards the heavens. After seriously weighing the sharing of her possibly once and a lifetime good hair day with the spread of the global pandemic, she begrudgingly turned around and returned to her house. At the time of publication, she was preparing to go live on Instagram so that her hair wouldn’t go completely to waste.